
Crusher™ is the most skilled boxer of the Mastodons™. He floats like a butterfly and stings like a bulldozer. Crusher™ can turn your lights out, clean your clock, and make you see stars faster than you can say “Ouch!”

Crusher™ has lightning reflexes and is, therefore, a formidable video game player. The kids introduced him to this technology and he was such a natural, he became hooked. The other Mastodons™ admonish him for spending so much time with these games. But you can still catch Crusher™ up in the middle of the night playing his video battles.

Although Crusher™ is of African-American descent, his attempts at being cool are hysterical. His hip just won’t hop. To add insult to injury, Crusher seems to have absolutely no sense of rhythm.

Crusher™, contrary to his devastating talents as a fighter, is probably the biggest “pushover” of all the Mastodons™. He is a sucker for kids and is the most demonstratively loving of all. Crusher™ would be the first to shed a tear over a sad movie or be truly touched by a present that one of the kids made him in school. He tries to hide his soft side, but we can see right through him.

Crusher™ trains himself like a fighter. He does road work, he punches the heavy bag and the speed bag, he shadow boxes, and he eats right. He is always in training. When the kids have a specific goal that they want to reach, Crusher™ helps them feel the burn.

No part of this profile may be reproduced in any form by any means without permission in writing from the author. Trademark property of Bob Weber.